Why Switch to Solar Energy
Lower energy expenses - No more recurring diesel and coal fuel costs!
No fluctuation risk - Your energy is free after the initial system cost. Stay independent from volatile energy prices!
Lower logistic expenses - No need to transport fuel to the remote locations so as to power diesel generators. Your energy is produced on site!
Lower maintenance expenses - No more costly maintenance on diesel generators. A solar PV system requires very low maintenance!
Lower pollution - Stay and work in a healthier environment. Reduce respiratory and hearing-related injuries.
Go Green - Contribute to combatting climate change
Energy Independence - Increase energy reliability, making your home and organisation self-sufficient!
How Does Solar Energy Work
Components of a Solar PV System
Setup Options
1. Solar System Connected to Batteries
2. Solar System Connected to the Grid
Site Title
Diesel Vs Solar System Cost Comparison
While the initial investment on a solar system might be higher compared to a diesel system. A solar system will save you significantly on operations and maintenance cost.
A diesel engine requires a constant supply of fuel and a typical 450kVA engine set that is continuously running, would require a standard maintenance schedule of 35 oil changes, 6 decarbonization and 1.5 overhauls per year costing about USD 145,000 per year
On the contract, a solar PV system does not require such costly maintenance as has been shown to be able to run smoothly for years even without any intervention
While a diesel system requires periodic overall replacement, only specific faulty parts need to be replaced in a PV system.
Other Problems Of a Diesel System
“Maintenance and high fuel costs have been long-standing problems with diesel
generators. The systems are often in remote locations, and the difficulties of
purchasing imported spare parts and fuel have often made them unreliable.”
ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme)– World
Bank/UNDP, “Best Practice Manual Promoting Decentralized Electrification
Investment” Report 248/01, 2001
“Quite often the cost ( of operating a generator) can be very much higher than
expected because of the need for maintenance personnel and the difficulties
encountered in obtaining fuel and spare parts.”
Intermediate Technology Design Group, “Technical Brief – Diesel”
“Diesel generators can be used in remote areas, but this requires a constant
supply of diesel and mechanical parts. The cost of the Kwh produced is
therefore always considerably higher than with connection to the grid. There also
tend to be many disruptions, owing to the difficulties that many people
experience getting generators repaired promptly.”
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). “CASE STUDY:
Concession for rural electrification with solar home systems in Kwazulu-Natal
(South Africa).” Dr. Xavier Lemaire, Centre for Management under Regulation,
Warwick Business School.