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  • RPRE

Dinner with Paul and Eileen Rockefeller Growald

On 27th June, RPRE and Family Business Network Asia hosted a private dinner together with Paul and Eileen Rockefeller Growald of the Growald Family Fund (GFF).

GFF’s mission is to promote the transition from fossil fuel to clean renewable energy, and is synonymous to RPRE’s vision and mission to fight climate change. The evening was filled with intimate sharing of experiences and stories and reignited our passion to fight climate change.

PRE’s CEO and Founder, Robin Pho , who chairs FBN’s Family Business as a Force for Good (FBFFG) working group, embraced the opportunity to gather family businesses who want to do good.

Eileen shared her Rockefeller family journey and how both RPRE and her family business have similar journeys.

Some memorable quotes from Eileen, “Even if everyone is trying to do their own positive impact in the world, (be it social, economic, human rights etc). It will all be in vain if we do not address climate change and do not have a planet and home to live in. Join me and change what you KNOW, to what you DO.”


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